Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New digs...

Meet Maximus. Love that name.

Flash, Flashimus-Maximus has found a new home.

All is well.

In a month or so, we should be adjusted to our new puppy-less house as well. Maybe.

Thanks for the picture, Mommy of Maximus!!

I hope all the babies are doing well.

I also hope they haven't chewed up anything expensive.



Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007


The home Flash went to had a small breed older dog whose willingness to accept a cute new puppy was in question. I told the family to bring him back if the older dog didn't adjust right away.

They were very sad to bring him back. I must admit, though, that we were very happy to see him.

It was so cute to watch him greet Tasha. They kissed like humans would. Okay, like French humans, but hey, they're dogs. They don't have much by way of lip acreage. It was very sweet.

Flash gets along well with the other two dogs we have in the house. Even this one:

Please call if you're interested in buying this little guy (who's asleep on my lap right now). Our number is 574.277.7718 or you can e-mail me at

The price is $400.



Friday, August 24, 2007

All the puppies have been sold.

Which, as you may or may not realize, means they can't live at our house any more.

We'll miss them!

Thanks to all the lovely families who gave them wonderful new homes. We hope to hear from you!

Pictures would be especially appreciated. ;~)


Robin and Cookie

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Okay, I'll pose, but then you have to let me chew on the camera string.


I'm short! If I didn't wear the tux backwards, no one would be able to see the bow tie.